Why Do Cats Pretend To Bury Their Food

Why Do Cats Pretend To Bury Their Food?

If you are a cat owner or pet lover, you may worry about why cats pretend to bury their food.

If you are worried, you should know you are not alone because many cat owners and pet lovers may have this common question.

But it would be best if you did not worry about this common question because this comprehensive guide will explore the concept of cats pretending to bury their food and will find the best guide answer. So then grab a cup of tea, and let’s get started.

Understanding Cat Behaviors

Introduction to the specific behaviour of pretending to bury food

When cats seem to be trying to hide their food with invisible dirt, it’s not just a silly trick. This action is a natural habit that comes from their wild ancestors.

Usually, cats do this for two simple reasons: they want to keep their leftover food for later, or they don’t want the smell of food to attract other animals. Once we understand this, we can better care for our cats and make them feel safe and happy.

Discussion on some common cat behaviours and their meanings


Scratching is something cats often do. They don’t just do it to keep their claws sharp but also to show other cats that a place is theirs. They’re leaving a message for other cats to say, “This spot is taken.”


You might see your cat pushing their paws in and out on a soft blanket or pillow, swapping between the right and left paw. When cats do this, it’s usually because they’re feeling happy and relaxed.

Purring and Meowing

Purring usually means your cat is happy and relaxed. But be careful, because sometimes it can also mean they’re not feeling well. Paying attention to their situation is essential. Meowing can mean many things, like saying hello, or it could be that they’re hungry or want your attention.

Burying Food

Cats sometimes act like they are burying their food, and they do this for a couple of reasons. One reason is that they might want to eat it later, like wild cats. Another reason is to hide the food’s smell, which could keep away animals wanting to eat it.

Understanding these behaviours can help you better communicate with your cat and ensure they are happy and comfortable. Paying attention to these signals can significantly enhance your bond with your cat.

Reasons Why Do Cats Pretend To Bury Their Food?

Cats pretend to bury their food as an instinctual behaviour from when they were wild creatures. Here are the primary reasons:

Saving Food for Later

Sometimes, your cat doesn’t finish its meal and wants to save the leftovers for later. Like their wild relatives who used to hide their remaining food under the ground for another time, your cat might also display the same act.

Hiding the Smell of Food

In nature, the smell of food can bring dangerous animals or other cats looking for a meal. So, wild cats usually cover their food to hide its scent. Even though your pet cat is safe at home, they might still do this because it’s a deep-rooted instinct.

Disliking the Food

Another reason could be that your cat doesn’t enjoy the food you’ve given them. Cats can be demanding about their meals, and if they don’t like a certain kind of food, they may act as if they’re trying to hide it.

Knowing these reasons can help you look after your cat better and make them feel loved. If your cat is always pretending to bury its food, it could be good to ask a vet about it to ensure there’s no hidden health problem.

Observations from Experts

Simple Explanations from Animal Doctors and Behavior Experts

Experts studying animal behaviour and doctors caring for pets have shared easy-to-understand explanations about why cats pretend to bury their food. They agree that cats do it because of instincts they’ve had since they were wild animals. Here are some of their insights:

Storing Food

Sometimes, when a cat doesn’t eat all its food, it might pretend to bury the leftovers to save them for later. Wild cats used to do this to have more food for another time.

Hiding the Smell

The smell of food can attract other animals, which could be dangerous. To avoid this, wild cats would cover their food to hide the smell. Even though a pet cat is safe at home, it may still do this because it’s an instinct.

Not Liking the Food

If a cat tries to bury its food, it might mean it doesn’t like what you’ve given. Cats can be picky eaters; if they don’t enjoy a specific type of food, they might pretend to bury it.

If you notice your cat always pretending to bury its food, it would be a good idea to talk to a vet to ensure there’s no health problem causing this behaviour. Understanding these reasons can help ensure your cat is happy and well-cared for.

Scientific explanations behind this behaviour

Scientists have given us easy-to-understand reasons why cats pretend to bury their food. At the heart of it all, these behaviours are instincts from when cats lived in the wild. Let’s take a look at their explanations:

Hiding Leftover Grub

Cats sometimes only eat some of their food at a time. When they’ve had enough, they might “hide” it for later by pretending to bury it. This is a habit they’ve inherited from their wild ancestors, who used to hide extra food to make sure they had something to eat later.

Covering Up the Smell

Food smells can attract other animals. In the wild, this could lead to dangerous situations. So, wild cats would hide their food to mask the smell. Today’s house cats still do this, even though they’re safe at home. It’s an instinct they can’t shake off.

Rejecting Their Dinner

Sometimes, cats who don’t like their food might act like they’re trying to bury it. Just like people, cats can be fussy eaters, too. If they get served a meal they don’t care for, they might try to cover it up.

Always watch out for these behaviours by chatting with the vet to ensure these behaviours can help you understand your cat’s can help you understand what your cat needs. If you see your cat always trying to bury their food, it may be worth chatting with the vet to ensure everything’s okay. By knowing these reasons, we can ensure our furry pals are happy and well cared for.

How To Respond To This Behavior

Practical tips and advice for cat owners on how to deal with this behaviour

When your cat acts like it’s burying its food, there are few things you can do. 

Switch Up Their Menu

If your cat always tries to bury its food, it might be different from what you’re serving. Try giving them a different type of food to see if they react the same way.

Keep Their Space Clean

Cats like clean spaces. If your cat is always trying to hide its food, it might be because their eating area isn’t clean. Make sure you clean their food and water bowls regularly.

Consult with a Vet

If your cat’s behaviour doesn’t change or you’re worried, it’s always a good idea to chat with a vet. They can make sure there’s no health problem causing this behaviour. 

It’s normal for cats to pretend to bury their food sometimes. They’re just following an instinct from their wild ancestors. But understanding why they do it can help you keep your cat happy and healthy.

Suggestions on how to enrich your cat’s environment and diet to prevent this behaviour

Fun Ways to Help Your Cat

Sometimes, cats dig around their food, and it can seem odd. But don’t worry! There are some fun and easy things you can do to help. 

Mix Up Their Food

If your cat keeps digging at their food, they might not like it. Try giving them something different to eat and see what they do. 

Clean Their Eating Area

Cats like things to be clean. If your cat is always digging at their food, they might think their eating spot is dirty. Make sure you wash their food and water dishes often.

Visit the Vet

If your cat keeps digging at their food or if you’re worried about it, talk to a vet. They can check to make sure your cat isn’t sick. 

It’s normal for cats to pretend to bury their food sometimes. They’re copying what wild cats used to do. But knowing why they do it can help you look after your cat and keep them happy.


In conclusion, cats pretending to bury their food is a fascinating behaviour deeply rooted in their wild instincts. Whether they’re trying to save leftovers, mask the scent of their food, or express dislike for a particular meal, understanding these behaviours can help cat owners better care for their feline friends.

By observing these behaviours, switching up their diet, maintaining cleanliness, and consulting with a vet when necessary, you can ensure a healthy, enriching environment for your cat.

Remember, this behaviour is a normal part of a cat’s nature, but a keen eye and proactive care can ensure it does not indicate a health problem. Enjoy the unique world of your cat and continue trying to understand their enigmatic practices.


Why do cats act like their food bowl is empty?

Cats often act like their food bowl is empty due to an instinct called ‘whisker fatigue’. Their whiskers are sensitive, and high-sided bowls can cause discomfort. Providing a shallow bowl or a plate can rectify this behaviour.

Why do stray cats bury their food?

Stray cats bury their food to hide it from potential predators or competitors. A behaviour inherited from their wild ancestors.

Why does my cat put her food on the ground?

Cats may put their food on the ground if they dislike the texture or taste or to avoid discomfort from a high-sided bowl due to ‘whisker fatigue’.

Do cats get bored of the same food?

Like humans, cats can bored of eating the same food every day. A variety in their diet can stimulate their appetite and ensure they receive a range of nutrients.

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