Can Cats Eat Tamales

Can Cats Eat Tamales? A Complete Guide

As a devoted cat owner, it’s natural to want the best for your furry friend, which includes providing them with a diverse and nutritious diet. While we might be tempted to share our favorite foods with them, it’s crucial to understand that what is safe for us might not be safe for our feline companions. 

Tamales are a tasty treat that many of us enjoy, but can cats eat tamales? This is an important question that requires a thorough understanding of our pets’ health. As pet lovers, we must ensure that everything that passes our pets’ lips is safe and beneficial to their health.

This guide is here to help answer that question by giving you all the details you need to know about whether or not it’s okay for cats to eat tamales.

What Are Tamales?

Tamales are a type of food that originated in Mexico. They are typically made with masa (corn dough) and filled with meats, cheeses, fruits, or other ingredients, all wrapped in a corn husk and steamed. They’re prevalent, especially during celebrations and holidays. Now, let’s see if they are suitable for cats.

Can Cats Eat Tamales?

In simple terms, tamales are not the best food for your cat. While the core ingredients of tamales, like meat and cheese, are not harmful to cats, the masa dough can be. Cats have a hard time digesting corn products.

Moreover, tamales often contain onions, garlic, and spices, which are toxic to cats. Therefore, it’s better to stick with cat-specific food to ensure your feline friend stays healthy and happy.

Can Cats Eat Tamales

Health Risks Of Feeding Tamales To Cats

Digestive Issues

Feeding your cat tamales can lead to digestive issues. The corn dough used in tamales is difficult for cats to digest. This can lead to stomach upset, including vomiting and diarrhea. 

Toxicity From Onions And Garlic

Tamales often contain onions and garlic, which are highly toxic to cats. Even in small amounts, onions, and garlic can cause damage to a cat’s red blood cells, leading to anaemia. Symptoms of toxicity may include lethargy, pale gums, rapid breathing, and a loss of appetite.

Spice Intolerance

Cats have delicate digestive systems not designed to handle spices often found in tamales. These spices can cause gastrointestinal upset, including stomach pain and diarrhea.

Obesity And Nutritional Imbalance

Tamales are high in calories and carbohydrates, which can lead to weight gain and obesity in cats if fed regularly. Cats require a diet high in protein, and the nutritional balance in tamales does not match a cat’s dietary needs, leading to potential nutritional deficiencies. 

Choking Hazard

The corn husk wrapping of tamales could pose a choking hazard if a curious cat decides to chew or swallow it. It’s crucial to keep such items out of your pet’s reach.

Can Cats Eat Tamales

Alternatives to Tamales for Cats

Cat-Specific Wet Food

Cat-specific wet food is an excellent alternative to tamales. These foods are specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of cats. They are high in protein, contain the necessary vitamins and minerals, and are easy to digest.

Fresh Cooked Meat

Cooked chicken, turkey, or fish are good options for your cat. They are high in protein, which is essential for cats. However, ensure the meat is cooked without any seasonings, especially onions and garlic, as these are toxic to cats.

Commercially Available Cat Treats

Commercially available cat treats are another safe alternative. They are prepared to consider cats’ dietary needs and taste preferences. However, these should be given in moderation, as too many treats can lead to obesity.

Canned Fish

Canned fish like tuna or salmon can also be given to cats. They are high in protein, and cats usually love them. However, choosing fish canned in water rather than oil or brine is important without adding seasonings.

Cooked Eggs

Cooked eggs are a good source of protein and can be given to cats. However, ensure the eggs are fully cooked, as raw eggs can pose a risk of salmonella. 

Remember, the best diet for your cat mimics its natural diet in the wild. This means a diet high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat and a minimal amount of carbohydrates. Always consult your vet before introducing new foods into your cat’s diet.

Can Cats Eat Tamales


In conclusion, tamales might be a tasty dish for us, but they are unsuitable for our feline friends. The ingredients used in tamales, such as the masa dough, onions, garlic, and spices, can be problematic for cats and lead to health issues ranging from digestive troubles to toxicity.

Moreover, the high caloric and carbohydrate content could contribute to weight gain and nutritional imbalance. Sticking to cat-specific food or safe human foods like cooked unseasoned meats, canned fish, or cooked eggs is always safest.

Always consult your vet before introducing new foods into your cat’s diet to ensure their health and well-being.


Can Cats Eat Mexican Food?

No, most Mexican foods are unsafe for cats due to ingredients like onions, garlic, and spices, which are harmful to them.

Is Corn Husk Safe For Cats?

Corn husks are unsafe for cats as they can pose a choking hazard.

What Are Three Toxic Foods For Cats?

Three toxic foods for cats include chocolate, onions, and garlic.

What Meats Should Cats Not Eat?

Cats should avoid eating raw and processed meats due to their high salt content and the risk of bacterial contamination.

Can Cats Eat Mexican Corn?

No, cats should not eat Mexican corn as it usually contains cheese, mayonnaise, and spices, which can harm cats.

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